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Aerospace Configuration

Enable Aerospace as a window manager for macOS. I have disabled gaps, move the mouse to follow windows, and an i3-like binding configuration.

{ config, pkgs, ... }:

  services.aerospace = {
    enable = true;
    settings = {
      gaps = {
        outer.left = 0;
        outer.bottom = 0;
        outer.top = 0;
        outer.right = 0;
      on-focus-changed = [
        "move-mouse window-lazy-center"
      on-window-detected = [
          "if".app-name-regex-substring = "mpv";
          run = [
            "layout floating"
      workspace-to-monitor-force-assignment = {
        "1" = "main";
        "2" = "main";
        "3" = "main";
        "4" = "main";
        "5" = "main";
        "6" = "main";
        "7" = "main";
        "8" = "main";
        "9" = [
        "10" = [
      mode.main.binding = {
        cmd-enter = "exec-and-forget open -n /Applications/Ghostty.app/";
        cmd-shift-enter = "exec-and-forget /opt/homebrew/bin/emacs";
        cmd-d = "exec-and-forget ~/.local/bin/launcher";
        cmd-shift-f = "fullscreen";
        cmd-shift-space = "layout floating tiling";

        cmd-h = "focus --boundaries-action wrap-around-the-workspace left";
        cmd-j = "focus --boundaries-action wrap-around-the-workspace down";
        cmd-k = "focus --boundaries-action wrap-around-the-workspace up";
        cmd-l = "focus --boundaries-action wrap-around-the-workspace right";

        cmd-shift-h = "move left";
        cmd-shift-j = "move down";
        cmd-shift-k = "move up";
        cmd-shift-l = "move right";

        cmd-shift-minus = "resize smart -50";
        cmd-shift-equal = "resize smart +50";

        cmd-1 = "workspace 1";
        cmd-2 = "workspace 2";
        cmd-3 = "workspace 3";
        cmd-4 = "workspace 4";
        cmd-5 = "workspace 5";
        cmd-6 = "workspace 6";
        cmd-7 = "workspace 7";
        cmd-8 = "workspace 8";
        cmd-9 = "workspace 9";
        cmd-0 = "workspace 10";

        cmd-shift-1 = "move-node-to-workspace 1";
        cmd-shift-2 = "move-node-to-workspace 2";
        cmd-shift-3 = "move-node-to-workspace 3";
        cmd-shift-4 = "move-node-to-workspace 4";
        cmd-shift-5 = "move-node-to-workspace 5";
        cmd-shift-6 = "move-node-to-workspace 6";
        cmd-shift-7 = "move-node-to-workspace 7";
        cmd-shift-8 = "move-node-to-workspace 8";
        cmd-shift-9 = "move-node-to-workspace 9";
        cmd-shift-0 = "move-node-to-workspace 10";

        cmd-ctrl-shift-h = "join-with left";
        cmd-ctrl-shift-j = "join-with down";
        cmd-ctrl-shift-k = "join-with up";
        cmd-ctrl-shift-l = "join-with right";